28 February 2011

hiver - jour 15

i already knew i was going to wear this skirt by shelli oh since i had plans to meet up with this always lovely canadian designer for dinner tonight. and for some odd reason we always end up at the same restaurant every time she's in town. maybe becuase she's indonesian!? ;) oh hey, but so am i! well, 1/4 of it anyway. tonight's love affair? bali nusa indah. results? authentic ethnic goodness!

and the icing on the cake? (we had banana island, a yummy fried crepe) i received the most gorgeous top as my surprise!!! :D yay! i want to wear it now, but it's not part of my winter remix challenge. :( so, you'll just have to wait until i do the spring remix challenge to see it! ;)

for now, i'm still feeling the yellow so i had to slip on these bright yellow knee high stockings! i don't think i've ever worn these before, but i love them! :) and they added that little bit of pop colour that i'm always lacking. i had planned on wearing the grey boots instead of black, but mother nature decided to shower us today...  so sometimes planning ahead doesn't always save time!

you're probably thinking..."wow, she's accessorizing with a brooch!" but, this cecico number actually came with a lovely spider charm sewn onto the jacket. how cool is that? no worries on my part!

hiver - semaine 2

i'm just about half way there! i could either say it's getting easier as time goes by or that it might be getting harder if i start running out of combinations. this week's colour palette looks pretty much the same as last week's, maybe even less colourful? oh boy. i think there's just 1 dress left that i haven't touched yet and at least it is in a colourful print. rain is predicted for tomorrow, so chances are i won't be wearing it! but, i should at least change out my hat! i do own other hats...

27 February 2011

hiver - jour 14

since i was cleaning today, i obviously did not wear anything complicated! i tried to make it somewhat interesting though by wearing the tank top over the long sleeve tee, sort of like a vest!

someone asked if i was going to watch the oscars... i said no. i haven't seen any movies at all the past year so i wouldn't know what i was looking at. but, guess what? i'm sitting here folding laundry and typing up this entry and .:wait for it:. watching the oscars! ;P it didn't start out that way though! i was actually upstairs cleaning my closet (i have a very exciting life as you can see) when the hubby called me down to watch (he has to for work, i was not the slightest bit interested until he mentions "fashion" to me)..."shouldn't you be paying attention what people are wearing?" ha! apparently i missed most of it and only caught gwyneth paltrow wearing a golden calvin klein dress in which the hubby responds with "she looks like the academy award. you know, the actual award". lol. hmm why am i writing a style blog? oh right, the 30 for 30 challenge! :P

où étais-je?

while cleaning and going through older mags and catalogs, i came across the following items i wish i owned! and after some searching, i discovered they are already sold out as these were from back in august and october's anthropologie catalogs! .:pout:. seriously, where was i? this just made me feel totally behind in fashion. i want it to be autumn again... and i would like more yellow in my wardrobe! and i should pay better attention!

but, i'll be sure the keep an eye out on the following designers!!! :)

funny how several other bloggers have blogged about this dress. and after seeing the dress on some, it looks and fits awfully dreadful. but, maybe it's just bad photography? i don't know, but i would have rocked it if i had the chance to! or perhaps it would have looked just as bad on me; i guess i'll never know.

i love the boldness of these heels, but would not pair these shoes with the above dress...obviously. colours are not the same. i'm just really into yellow tones at the moment. and it's almost 3:30 pm now...i guess i should get dressed soon! because i need to clean some more today. who dresses to clean, anyway? wish i could just stay in my pjs...

and speaking of "yellow", i was listening to coldplay while editing one of my photos! :)

26 February 2011

hiver - jour 13

i was in pjs *most* of today, but finally got dressed at around 10:30pm... to clean! hahaa. that wasn't a typo by the way... i really did get dressed at 10:30pm, not am. and what better cleaning clothes to wear than what i threw on? my day starts pretty late. it's true.

yellow stockings. yellow ring. yellow feather on my head! although, it's a bit hard to tell. and i've never worn this belt before by the way. i had to take the tags off for the photo shoot... and i'm still wearing it as i type this. it helps me eat less and feel thinner i think! ;)

i totally envisioned holding a tea cup when i did this pose! except i didn't have one then... i am having tea now though and it's 3:30 am! shhh... i know it's late. i told you my day starts late. but don't worry, i'm off to bed soon!!! err as soon as i finish the dishes! ;)

25 February 2011

hiver - jour 12

i have been in a purple mood lately and wish i had some bright fuschia coloured tights on to go with this blue dress instead of grey! but, i didn't have much to work with after digging through my collection of tights and stockings. i also didn't worry too much about it since it was pouring rain out this morning. what was i thinking? at least i got to work on time since i already decided what i was wearing! ;)

i walked by some mirrored doors last night and had the urge to take a reflecting self-portrait... which i'm titling 'glowing self-reflection' or 'self-reflecting glow'. i don't know which yet. but i made it purple-y goodness! :) and this image made me think of the song 'purple people' by tori amos.

i've also added another bird this time. i think i'm getting better at accessorizing! ;) happy friday!!! xo

24 February 2011

hiver - jour 11

what do you wear when you fall asleep on the sofa the night before (leaving all the things on your list undone); then wake up 20 minutes late (leaving only 5 minutes to get dressed); rushed to the bus stop (but end up waiting 15 minutes for a bus) only to find out before getting into the city that the tunnel is shut down? yea, that was my lovely morning.

oh, but about 20 minutes later they announce it's open again! Y E S! because i really wanted to get to work... to show off my fabulously unwashed hair and non-creative outfit of course! nothing fancy today, just changed it up with my grey boots instead of typical black ones... my rushed attempt at remixing! haha. i wish i had a bright coloured tank so i'd have that pop of colour somewhere. hmm, does my green hat work?

oh look! my parrot matches my boots. does a bird count as an accessory? ;)

23 February 2011

hiver - jour 10

so this is the outfit i had planned on wearing this past monday before mother nature decided to throw snow confetti on us. she must have been celebrating president's day!

i've never tucked this shirt in before until now... so i feel like i should be going somehwere, but i'm not! .:pout:. even a couple of chohorts thought i should go out just because i was dressed so nicely. but, the hubby wasn't quite done with work and was too busy running into duff mckagan from guns 'n roses; i went home instead.

got the blues, the buttons or the beads? ;) i didn't have this bracelet on when the above pics were taken, but added it this morning right before i left for work in an attempt to "accessorize" more. i told you i didn't accessorize much, so these printed tights and bracelet is a whole lot going on for me! bracelet is from my very talented friend Johanna at Metal, Cloth and Wood! Check out her blog and etsy shop! :)

p.s. my compliment count has gone up to 4 today! it went from 1 beginning of challenge to 2 yesterday. so i must be doing something right! :) although, it used to be a lot more frequent and from a lot more people in the past... makes me think i either dressed better before or i just worked with much cooler and nicer people then than i do now! oh snap! ha only kidding. no, seriously. wait yes, true! umm, noo. yes? i'm confused. oh, you too? ok, good. ;) seriously, though... i think it's because i dressed a lot better before.

hiver - jour 9

when i said i was 'winging' this challenge, i meant it! i was totally clueless on what to wear this morning and in a mad rush i just threw these 2 tops together, unsure how it'll look. i held it at arm's length for 2 seconds, thought it looked ok, then threw it on fast!

i wish i had picked out another long sleeved tee for layering so i'm not re-using this same wrap top over and over again... oh but i do love it so; it has birds all over it!!! in case you didn't know, here's the memo: i love birds. :) maybe that's why i'm so good at winging things? aha ok that was bad! :P and no i was not flapping my arms like a bird in the above pic! ;)

21 February 2011

hiver - jour 8

i had today's outfit all planned out; even had pics taken in advance to save time, but then it snowed! so, i shifted gears for something more appropriate. what's with me not checking the weather anymore? i used to constantly! i guess because i was tired of the wather peeps often being wrong (anyone else with me on that?) and because i'm totally winging this challenge (i don't have my outfits sketched out like someone i know...) so i really have no clue what i'm doing! hahaha. oh well, i'm definitely having the "make it work!" moment.

i wore wellies to work because of the several inches of soft fluffy snow in my neighborhood and the dirty wet slush in the city, but quickly changed into these booties once inside the office. i love how quickly a look changes with a simple switch-a-roo! :) this isn't a new outfit for me either, except i normally wear my frye boots with this outfit and thought i'd switch it up with these booties!

look! i wear my heart on my sleeve! ;)

p.s. i wonder if the weather goddesses are having a go at my expense for not proplery following the challenge rules! how many did i break now? 3. and how many are there? probably 3. oh wait, but i *like* snow. and winter. is this a punishment or a reward? hmm, maybe i should misbehave more often, then! ;)

hiver - semaine 1

is it me or do i need more variety in clothes? or rather more colour? it seems most everything i picked out are greens, greys and blacks... with the exception of mustard sweater and red pants. or maybe i need to learn how to accessorize more and throw in splashes of colour that way! as you can see, i'm not really a scarf, belt or jewelry kinda fashionista. um yeaahhh ok, i'll get right on that!

so week 1 i have worn basic black tank 3 times, wrap top 2 times and levi's denim leggings 2 times. and i see a pattern with how i dress now: top, jacket or sweater and bottom. not very innovative. i think i actually put in the effort on day 1 and then fell into my usual rut the rest of the week. i remember i used to be a lot more creative! what happened to her? i don't know, but i'm trying to find her again...

20 February 2011

hiver - jour 7

i actually got dressed today. planned on heading over to borders because the store near us is closing and there are sales happening. but, because there wasn't anything specific i was looking for and because i did bad yesterday as far as the no shopping rule, i skipped it. and yes, i am still dressed in these clothes right now as i type this! so no cheating today! :}

hmm, i also realize from this pic that the wrap top is not buttoned correctly. there is an inside button so it can button on the other side like a true wrap... except guess what? there's no buttonhole to functionally button! so this will just have to do.

tomorrow is a holiday for some. not me though. so for those who have off... continue to enjoy your weekend! :)

19 February 2011

hiver - jour 6

ok. so this is what i imagined wearing today, but i was actually in pjs all day and was too lazy to get dressed. (photos taken sunday for saturday's post).

did i already mention i have a hard time following rules? ok, so besides cheating and really skipping saturday, i also bought stuff! .:gasp:. OK, let me explain. i am planning to return a sweater, basically exchanging it for the same sweater. because the lopsided buttons on it are really bothering me. plus it went on sale. for more. a lot more. and so were other things... sooo umm yea, oops. but the money i will get back will almost cover the 2 new items...shy about 20 bucks! so that's not *so* horrible. i know, i know... it hasn't even been a week and i broke more rules. i'm not doing very well with this challenge. i should just aim for the 'style blogger who did the absolute worst 30 for 30 challenge' award! no such thing? sure there is...i just awarded myself with it! lol. so you are all off the hook! yay me! ;)

wings are listed under accessories aren't they? have i mentioned i'm a faerie yet? why yes, yes i have... in my intro post. phew! therefore, this shouldn't come as a surprise. so as a fae, i stripped off jacket and stockings and if the grounds were not wet and snow covered, i'd totally be barefoot right now! and yes, it really is winter. that white stuff is really snow. and it was cold out. that's how i roll. ;)

18 February 2011

hiver - jour 5

casual friday? you betcha! i *almost* did the opposite and wore heels today, but opted for comfort instead. and luckily so as i had to run down the hill to catch my bus! worth it? yes! i made it to work on time which rarely happens for me!

and if i had planned to go out tonight, i would have changed into heels for a dressier option (as pictured below).

 outfit without jacket and with heels
and if you're wondering what is printed on myshirt...it's raccoons! :D

yay! happy friday! :)

17 February 2011

hiver - jour 4

bloatingness? check
feeling fat? check
facial blemishes? check
that time of the month? ehh you get the picture!

what do i do? i dress up to feel somewhat fab! ;) well, *sort of* dressed up since i skipped the heels; this is actually casual for me and would probably wear this going to the home depot, but i'm out to dindin with a couple of girlfriends. tonight's love affair? txikito. results? delish!

16 February 2011

hiver - jour 3

i woke up with major bloatingness so i knew i wanted to be comfortable! i put on my long sleeve knit tee and cozy sweater to hide my extra water weight. i also wore my fave skinny jeans because they are my go to most comfy jeans... or so i thought! they either shrunk in the wash or i gained more weight because they fit so snug i felt like a robot this morning. a robot with big muffin top spillage. atrractive, right? thank goodness for this loose fitting sweater! ;)

15 February 2011

hiver - jour 2

ok, so this isn't really a "remix" for me, i have worn this outfit a few times before... but i usually wear it with black boots as i think it's a bit sleeker looking. however, it's cold out today and for comforts sake, i went with my easy slip on green boots! :) and if you decide to look that brand up, make sure you add 'venezia' and/or 'shoes'...otherwise, you end up getting porn pics! : | total eew!

sans hat and sweater! :)

14 February 2011

hiver - jour 1

because nothing says valentine's day more than the colour yellow! for me, anyway... my engagement ring is yellow afterall! ;) and yellow is the colour of geminis. and who ever said asians can't wear yellow?!? :P I do it from time to time...is that bad? ok this is more a mustard colour, but does it really make my skin more yellow? be honest! :)

i realize how very autumn i look today. i also realize because i'm starting this so late in the season, it's getting warmer out... so i switched out a few items. are we allowed to do that? it is only day 1 for me... no one is following me (yet), so no one would even know, right? ;) next time i'll be sure to check the weather before making my selections! :] again, it's only day 1 and how many rules did i just break? lol. and just watch me wear this brown dress with black later on... oh, you bet your bottoms i will since i've done it before! ;)

here i've given 5 other options on this outfit ensemble in case it got to be too warm... that's the beauty in layering!

option 1 - sans sweater

option 2 - just the dress (it's actually brown with black trim)

option 3 - sans sweater, but with wrap top out

option 4 - same as original, but with wrap top untucked

option 5 - without wrap top

that sure is a lot of options for just day 1. especially since i've never worn any of these combinations before! i always wear the top and sweater with jeans. it's fun to try new things.

hope you all had a wonderful valentine's day! my husband made me dinner. how sweet is he? actually, he makes dinner almost every night... lol. i don't know how i got so lucky! ♥

13 February 2011

remix saison d'hiver - 30 à 30

Winter Remix 30 for 30 challange! My very first one and I think I'm ready to do this!

If you often find yourself staring at your closet and saying "I have absolutely nothing to wear!" (even though you are drowned in more clothes than one person could possibly need), then this challenge should help you re-work the clothes you already have in your closet. It will also help you save money since you cannot shop for anything new during the 30 days! Something I definitely need to do... I think I spend a wee bit too much on unnecessary items that I never even wear! Plus, I have gotten lazy with how I dress lately. Hopefully, this challenge will get me to put in the extra effort that I used to.

If you are new to this like I am, please visit Kendi Everyday's blog for complete rules and her philosophy on remixing clothes. Also, thanks goes to fellow remixer Krystal of Triple Gemini Style for telling me about it in the first place. (P.S. I'm a gemini, too! ;) Oh, but she already knew that!) Since I got onto this late, I am not on Kendi's remixer list... so if you managed to find my blog somehow, then yay! :)

Here are the 30 items I have decided on:

8 Tops

2 Jackets

5 Sweaters

 2 Skirts

3 Dresses

4 Pants

6 Shoes

P.S. I chose this blog background because it has birds in it. I love birds. It is also the colour blue. I love blue. And it's actually a very similar colour to my wardrobe room walls... so it's almost like being in my closet; just minus all the rest of my clothes and shoes! I hope it doesn't mean I get tempted to sneak in items that aren't listed above...