14 March 2011

hiver - jour 29

as promised, i put together the most colourful items in my winter picks... did i pass? ;) i felt i needed to bring in some sunshine and find the many reasons to smile about in life. the feather dress again, now doesn't seem so dark and heavy. and i stayed away from black. "Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight" - bruce coburn. so are we ready for spring yet or what? :)

photographed with the sweater unbuttoned to show the dress and more colour! although i wouldn't wear it like this though... lol. i actually got the hubby to go with me to the apple store tonight to see an interview done with street photographer greg schmigel and he also got to meet some of my fellow photog IGers! :D

night shot (heavily edited) of nyc buildings and moon taken tonight on the way home. one more day of this challenge!!! :)


  1. I need to see if Leifsdottir has a website. I want some, too!!!

  2. they do! it's leifsdottir.com :)
